Supervisions and Service
I have supervised over 35 graduate students (9 doctoral students and 29 MA students). In 2018, I was honoured by the School of Graduate Studies at Queen's University with the Excellence in Supervision Award.
I am passionate about graduate training, co-initiating and continuing to coordinate the Political and Legal Thought MA Programme, and initiating and continuing to coordinate both the Political Philosophy Reading Group (for graduate students and faculty in Philosophy, Political Studies, and Law) and the ‘Justice League’ research group (for my graduate students). I am also an active member of my Department, Queen's University, and the academic community more broadly, serving on many review boards, committees, and trusts, both inside and outside the University.
Supervisions: PhD
Christine Koggel, ‘A Relational Theory of Equality’
Chris Lowry, ‘Sen’s Capabilities Approach and the Problem of Disability’
Kyle Johannsen, ‘The Methodology of Political Philosophy’
Ryan McSheffrey, ‘A Restorative Theory of Criminal Justice’
Jeremy Butler, ‘Democracy, Instrumentalism, and Power as a Trust: On the Foundations of Political Instrumentalism’
Omar Bachour, ‘From Alienation to Self-Realization: Pathologies of Late Modernity, Work, and the Successful Life’
Brennen Harwood, ‘Immanent Criticism as Method in Social Philosophy: Avoiding the Risks of Arbitrariness and Authoritarianism’
(current) Yuanjin Xia, ‘Care Labour and the Abilities/Needs Principle’
(current) Sheri Lucas, ‘Reconciling Traditional Philosophy and Academic Philosophy’
Supervisions: MA
S. D’Arcy, ‘Subject-Object Identity and Ontological Difference: Hegel, Marx and Heidegger’
Sascha Maicher, ‘Multiculturalism and Autonomy’
John Haffner, ‘Charles Taylor’s Faith’
Peter Snell, ‘Karl Mannheim’
Harjinder Deol: ‘A Critique of Multiculturalism’
Will Hutcheson, ‘Morality and Politics in the Real World: An Argument for the Adoption of Utilitarianism’
Anthony Wright, ‘A New Theory of Property’
Tara Ostner ‘Property and Liberty’
Kijin Sung, ‘Neutrality, Toleration and Religious Belief’
Alexandra Mitredosis, ‘Liability and Criminal Responsibility’
Tristan Rogers, ‘Property and Liberty’
Clara Morrisey, ‘The Rights of the Corporation’
Gregory Affleck ‘Equality and Responsibility’
Christina Malezis, ‘Equality and the Charter’
Aidan Hayes ‘Cohen and Rawls’
Aidan Wakely-Mulroney ‘The Scope of Obligations for Global Justice
Will Brooke, ‘Social Capital’
Brennen Harwood ‘Equality and Global Justice’
Miriam Szabari ‘Personal Obligations and Distributive Justice
Joanna Tinus, ‘The Reasonable Person’
Owen Clifton, ‘A Defence of Associative Duties’
Jonas Monte, ‘Ethics and Personal Identity’
Leigh Clark, ‘Diversity and Equality’
Jun Sang, ‘Community and Patriotism’
Jack Padega,‘Nationality and Cosmopolitanism: Toward a Broader Affective Identity’
Sean Davidson, ‘Egalitarian Perfectionism’
Jonathan Astras, ‘The Sources of Solidarity: Negotiating the Horizons of Indigenous-State Relations between Moderate and Radical Views’
Rileigh Jackson, ‘What is Emancipatory Art?’
Eden Elliott, ‘Ethics and The Other: An Interpretation of The Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas’
Josh Mosley, ‘Respect Egalitarianism and Egalitarian Perfectionism’
Sheridan Carr, ‘Restorative Justice’ (Cultural Studies/Critical Theory and Analysis MA)
Aidan Testa, ‘Cohen v. Nozick on Self-Ownership’
Caleb Masters, “An Analysis of Contempt as a Moral Attitude: Considering Contempt’s Role in our Moral Life”
James Collacutt, ‘“To Honour Survivors and All the Children Who Were Lost”: TRC Call to Action #81 and the Question of Appropriate Memorialization’ (Political Studies MA)
Jessica McMullin, ‘The Moral Agency of Commercial Corporations’
(current) Mana H. Khosrowshahi, ‘An End to Left-Wing Melancholia: Reconciling Socialist Utopia with Liberal Human Rights Values (at Iran Academia)
Professional Service: Referee/Editorial Work
Referee for Mind, Critical Journal of Social and Political Philosophy, Res Publica, Journal of Social Philosophy, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Political Theory, Queen's Quarterly, Canadian Journal of Political Science, Canadian Philosophical Association, Polity, Political Studies, Queen’s University Intergovernmental Affairs Institute, Broadview Press, University of Toronto Press, York University Philosophy Department, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press.
External Reviewer, Master’s in Equality Studies, University College, Dublin, 2021
Member, European Research Council Social Sciences Grant Panel, 2020
Reviewer for Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA), January 2019
Reviewer for CRC programme, August 2017
Member, 2005-6 Philosophy Committee for the Research Grants Programme, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Ottawa
Member of the Res Publica Editorial Board
Member of the Queen's Quarterly Editorial Board, 1990-2000
Associate Editor, Canadian Review of Constitutional Studies, 1995-2000
Member, Adjudication Committee for the C.B. Macpherson Political Theory Prize, 1999
Professional Service: Departmental Service
July 2017-2023, Head of Department
July 2017-2023, Ex-officio Member, Nominations Committee
July 2017-2023, Chair, Appointments Committee
July 2017-2023, Chair, Strategic Planning Committee
2016-2023, Co-initiated, and continue to co-coordinate, the Political and Legal Thought MA Programme
2013-2023, Chair, Equity Committee
2013-2017, Coordinator of Graduate Studies
2013-2017, Member, Appointments Committee
2012, Co-authored Philosophy Department Cyclical Programme Review Self-Study
2011-2012, Chair, Promotions and Renewal Committee
2010-2011, Member, Board of Undergraduate Studies
2010-2011, Chair, Equity and Women’s Concerns Committee
2010-, Initiated, and continue to coordinate, ‘Justice League’ biweekly graduate research group for my MA and PhD students
2009-2011, Instituted and organize Philosophy Coffee Mornings for faculty and graduate students every two weeks
2009-2010, Member, Board of Graduate Studies
2006-2007, Chair of Undergraduate Studies (July 2006-Jan. 2007)
2004-, Member, Promotions and Renewal Committee
2000-2005, Chair of Undergraduate Studies
2000-2005, Member of Board of Undergraduate Studies
2000-2005, Member of Promotions Committee
2000-, Initiated, and continue to coordinate, Political Philosophy Reading Group interdisciplinary discussion group for graduate students and faculty
1998-2014, Editor, ‘Philosophy at Queen’s,’ Department Newsletter
1998, Member, Organising Committee for the 1998 Ontario Philosophical Society Conference
1996-7, Co-Chair, Visiting Speakers Committee
1991-5, Coordinator of Graduate Studies
1990-, Member of various committees in the Philosophy Department: Board of Graduate Studies and Committee of Graduate Studies; Board of Undergraduate Studies and Committee of Undergraduate Studies; Promotion and Tenure; Appointments, Nominations
Professional Service: Faculty & University
2021, Member, Organizational Culture Working Group, reporting to the Principal
2019-, QUFA representative on Merit Working Group
2018-2019, Humanities representative, Strategic Plan Working Group, Faculty of Arts and Science
2018-2022, Humanities representative, Advisory Committee for Committee of Departments, Faculty of Arts and Science
2018, Invited to serve on mentor panel, workshop for new heads, Queen’s (declined as away at ANU)
2017-, Initiated and organise ‘Fabulous Lady Heads’ social and networking group of women heads in Faculty of Arts and Science
2017-2023, Member, Committee of Departments
2016-2022, Provost’s Delegate, Senate Educational Equity Committee, Queen’s
2016-2018, Member, Board of Studies, Faculty of Arts and Science
2013-2017, Member, Graduate Arts Council
1999-, Established and continue to organise ‘Political Philosophy Group,’ a group made up of faculty and graduate students in Philosophy, Political Studies, Law and Policy Studies; the group meets biweekly to read discuss contemporary readings in political philosophy, hear each other’s work in progress and host talks from visiting speakers
2010-2011, Member, Search Committee for Head of Philosophy
2009-10, Chair, Internal Academic Review, Department of Art (responsible for conducting meetings, overseeing the writing of the final report)
1999-2007, Member, Advisory Committee to the Principal for the Queen’s National Scholarship Programme
2006-7, Member, Faculty Board of Arts and Science
2005-7, Member, Advisory Research II and V Committee for Postdoctoral Fellowships
2005-July 2007, Chair, Advisory Research Committee II
2005-6, Chair, Advisory Committee for the Centre for Study of Democracy
2000-1, Member, Internal Academic Review, Department of Political Studies
1999-2001, Member of Adjudication Panel for S.S.H.R.C. Doctoral Fellowships in Division II, School of Graduate Studies
1999-2001, Member, Chancellor’s Scholarships Committee
1999-2017, Participant in Frosh/Prof Colloquium, Orientation Week
1999-2000, Member, Search Committee for Head of Philosophy
1998-2001, Member, Queen’s University Senate
1998-2001, Member, Senate Committee on Academic Development
1998-2001, Queen’s University Faculty Association Representative, Equity Sub-Committee of the Joint Committee on the Administration of the Collective Agreement
1998-9, Faculty Member, Advisory Committee for Municipal Affairs Commission, Alma Mate Society
1998-9, New Faculty Mentor, Faculty of Arts and Science
1998-9, Member, Department of English Appointments Committee
1998-9, Member, Department of English Promotions Committee
1998-9, Chair, Board of Studies
1996-9, Member, Board of Studies, Faculty of Arts and Science
1996, Member, Graduate Minority Award Selection Committee
1995, Member, Advisory Committee for the Selection of the Dean of Arts and Science, Queen's University
1993-5, Member, Status of Women Committee, Faculty of Arts and Science, Queen's University
1993-4, Member, Ontario Graduate Scholarship Board
1992-4, Member, Principal's Advisory Review Committee on the Status of Women at Queen's
1992-5, Member, Division Two Advisory Subcommittee on Research
1990-5, Member, Graduate Council, Queen's University
Professional Service: Beyond Queen's University
2017-, Member, National Trust (Canada)
2017-, Member, Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy
2001-2008, Member, National Trust (England)
1999-, Member, Canadian Philosophical Association
1994-, Member, William Morris Society
1986-7, Member, Socialist Philosophy Group, Fabian Society, U.K.
1985-6, Founding member, Oxford University Socialist Discussion Group
1982-3, Student member, Presidential Advisory Committee on Institutional Strategy, University of Toronto, appointed by Dr. James Ham, President; a task force of administrators and academics
1981-2, President, Political Economy Course Union, University of Toronto