Media and Public Philosophy
‘The Ideal of Equality’ Aeon, 15 August 2023
Tribute to The Concept of Socialist Law by Matt McManus in Jacobin, ‘Democratic Socialism Can Make Liberal Rights Real’, 14 August 2023
‘Is Equal Opportunity Enough?’, Boston Review (lead article and a final reply, with responses from Gina Schouten, Martin O'Neill, Nicholas Vrousalis, Anne Phillips, William M. Paris, Leah Gordon, Claude S. Fischer, Zofia Stemplowska, Lane Kenworthy, John Roemer, and Ravi Kanbur), 10 May 2023
Interview by Ben Burgis about ‘Is Equal Opportunity Enough?’ for an event co-hosted by the Boston Review and The Philosopher, 10 May 2023, followed by Burgis' column about the discussion, ‘What We Talk About When We Talk About Inequality’, in Philosophy for the People with Ben Burgis, 14 May 2023
Interview about ‘Is Equal Opportunity Enough?’ for the Boston Review’s “From the Editors” newsletter, 15 May 2023
‘The Truth About Marxism’ The Homeless Romantic Podcast, 21 February 2023
‘Not In My Backyard’, commissioned for ‘Agora’ Philosophy column in New Statesman, UK political and cultural magazine, 8 December 2020
‘Backyard Ethics: Defending the NIMBY’, The Philosophers’ Zone, Australian Broadcasting Corporation radio programme, 1 July 2018; re-broadcast on CBC Radio on 13 January 2019
'Christine Sypnowich’, Into the Coast, 15 August 2018
‘Christine Sypnowich,’ interviewed in Profile Kingston magazine March 2017
‘The Concept of Socialist Law – an Interview with Christine Sypnowich by Jack Marsh,’ Rebel News, 21 October 2015
‘A Venerable Institution: The Philosophy Colloquium,’ article in Arts and Science Newsletter, September 2004.
London Review of Books, (‘Unreliable Friends’) 16 March 2000.
(with Will Kymlicka and Arthur Ripstein) ‘The Public Good’ with Lister Sinclair, Ideas, CBC Radio, 29 November 1996.